
When Northeast Ohio native Andrea Nicole King isn’t working at a local farm, caring for individuals with dementia, or pursuing her studies in Music Therapy, she’s reconnecting with her first love: music.

After earning her Bachelor’s in Music Production from Full Sail University (2016–2018), Andrea moved to Los Angeles, where she spent nearly four years writing, producing, and arranging her debut album, Where Flowers Die, They Bloom (released September 2023). A tender ode to her earliest experience of romance, the album reflects the vulnerability and naivety of someone opening their heart for the first time—what she calls “the purest taste of true love” she’s ever known.

Her upcoming album, Harvest Love, takes a raw and deeply introspective turn. Written in just three days and recorded at Realgrey Records over a six month period with all live instrumentation, the project explores the collapse of a five-year relationship that had withered long before it ended. With unfiltered lyrics and an organic yet modern sound, the album dives into grief, healing, and the courage it takes to rebuild after heartbreak.

“I want this album to be a voice for anyone who has ever felt silenced in their pain. It’s about reclaiming your identity and finding strength in the resilience of healing,” Andrea shares.

“Love doesn’t die because it was neglected—it evolves. It’s the beauty that comes after the storm, the rebirth after decay. It’s the season where you plant, nurture, and Harvest Love.”